Symposium: Flanders Future as a Knowledge Society

Paleis der Academiën, Brussel
Activiteit in het kader van de Denkerscyclus
“A knowledge society generates, processes, shares and makes available to all members of the society knowledge that may be used to improve the human condition.”
Is Flanders indeed on its way to a curiosity and innovation driven knowledge society? This is the question that we intend to address today uring this international Conference entitled "Flanders Future as a knowledge society (F2KS) in perspective".
Flanders has made great progress on its way to a Knowledge Society especially in the last decade. Innumerous programs, actions and instruments to stimulate research, education, and innovation for business and industry have been launched. But we have to admit that the return on these investments is not as strong as expected. Can one identify some of the origins of this problem? Can solutions be proposed?
During this Conference our concept of a Knowledge Society will be confronted with the Flemish realities, starting from present day trends in education, society and economy. We are fortunate to have three international experts with us, who will bring our questions in perspective. Although most presentations will be given in English, your interventions, questions and remarks in Dutch or in French are more than welcome.
Twitter reactions: #F2KS.
Flanders’ STEM deficit in perspective: Are we lacking STEM students and graduates, either in general, in specific domains or not at all? What should we do about this? Is the STEM education adequate?
A provocative round table discussion followed by a debate with the audience
Q & A
Flanders’ approach to informal STEM education.
A provocative round table discussion followed by a debate with the
The need for science and innovation in Flanders: food for thought.
How are regional and national policies addressing the challenges of supporting knowledge-based economies? - Q & A
Flanders towards a creative, innovation driven knowledge economy?
Q&A with Luc Soete
A provocative round table discussion
followed by a debate with the audience
Round table discussion followed by debate with the audience