Frontiers Planet Prize

Palace of the Academies
The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts and the Académie royale de Belgique (des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts) are pleased to invite you to attend the national candidate presentations for the 3rd edition of the Frontiers Planet Prize.
Monday, November 25, 2024.
The Frontiers Planet Prize is an international award granted to scientists from around the world for conducting groundbreaking research aimed at protecting planetary boundaries and finding solutions to global environmental challenges.
The initiative focuses on scientific research with the greatest potential to protect our ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources, so that humanity can remain within the boundaries of the Earth’s ecosystem.
The prize aims to recognize and stimulate these scientific efforts while raising global awareness around sustainability and environmental preservation.
The prizes
Three prizes of one million Swiss francs each (approx. €940,000) will be awarded to the best research publications, published in the last two years in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The prize-winning scientist’s institutions will also gain worldwide recognition for their research.
Procedure: Belgian universities conduct their own pre-selection and nominate the best idea/project to compete in front of the jury at the national Academies in each country.
The Academies shortlist three nominations to represent the country, which are sent to the Jury of 100.
After a first round of voting, the title of National Champion is awarded to the winning nomination for each participating country.
After a second round of voting, three International Champions are selected from the pool of National Champions. Each International Champion wins 1 million Swiss Francs to advance their important breakthrough research.
On November 25, the top Belgian candidates will present their work to the jury and the
interested public - perhaps including you?
Palace of the Academies – Hertogsstraat 1 1000 Brussels (The Rubens Room).
Attendance to the presentations of the Belgian entries for this prize is free of charge, but due to the limited number of seats, reservations are required.
For more background information, please visit the Frontiers Planet Prize website at:
(*) The name of this prize refers to the 9 planetary boundaries, as defined by Professor Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and Owen Gaffney.
09:00 am : Welcome coffee
09:30 am : Session 1
Prof. Diego G. Miralles (UGhent)
Dryland self-expansion enabled by land–atmosphere feedbacks
Prof. Bram Vanderborght (VUB)
Self-Healing, Recyclable, and Degradable Castor Oil-Based Elastomers for Sustainable Soft Robotics
Prof. Thomas Hermans (UGhent)
Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology
10:30 am : Coffee break
10:45 am : Session 2
Prof. Annemie Bogaerts (UAntwerp)
CO2 conversion to CO via plasma and electrolysis: a techno-economic and energy cost analysis
Prof. Alessandro Parente (ULB)
Data-driven models and digital twins for sustainable combustion technologies
Prof. Jana Asselman (UGhent)
Aerosolization of micro- and nanoplastics via sea spray: Investigating the role of polymer type, size, and concentration, and potential implications for human exposure
12:00 pm : Reception