Building Bridges - focus day on science communication
Paleis der Academiën, Brussel
The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB), de Jonge Academie (JA) and the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (Departement EWI) are organizing a focus day on science communication. This event will focus on the opportunities and risks associated with science communication and popularisation.
- 9h-9h30: Registration
- 9h30-11h: Opening session
- Introduction
- Keynote: Richard Wiseman, University of Hertfordshire
- 11h00 – 12h15: Break-out sessions – part I
- 12h15 – 13h15: Lunch
- 13h15 – 14h30: Break-out sessions part II
- 14h30 – 15h30: Debate
- Participants: Hetty Helsmoortel, UGent; Katrien Kohlenberg, UAntwerpen; Jan Seys, VLIZ; Christoffel Waelkens, KU Leuven
- Moderator: Koen Wauters
- 15h30-16h: Coffee break
- 16h-17h30: Uitreiking Onderscheidingen Wetenschapscommunicatie KVAB & Jonge Academie
- 17h30 – 18h30: Reception
Break out sessions
- The Science barometer
- Wetenschapsbarometer – Departement EWI
- Ricarda Ziegler – Wissenschaft im Dialog
- Fake science news and social media
- 11h-12h15: Sanne Boonen, Cebam (Belgisch Centrum voor Evidence-Based Medicine)
- 13h15-14h15: Marleen Finoulst, Cebam (Belgisch Centrum voor Evidence-Based Medicine)
- Citizen Science
- 11h-12h15
- Tine De Moor, Universiteit Utrecht
- Maarten Larmuseau, KU Leuven en Histories vzw
- Wouter Vanreusel, Natuurpunt
- 13h15-14h30
- Kris Bachus, KU Leuven
- Jasper Bloemen, UGent – UAntwerpen
- Jan Seys, VLIZ
- Moderator: Liesbeth Gijsel, Iedereen wetenschapper
- 11h-12h15