The Belgian energy system: a bright future?

Paleis der Academiën, Brussel
Energy policy is all over the Belgian news; debates on the lifetime extension of nuclear power plants, energy scarcity and corresponding price increases, or indirectly the ‘gilets jaunes’ (yellow vests) movement demanding affordable transport fuel. However, political statements or press coverage only discuss part of the energy system and are often based on a variety of facts and figures. It is however essential that long-term policy decisions are based on sound scientific calculations using energy system models.
In the energy transition funds project EPOC, 14 Belgian research partners join forces to develop energy models for a sustainable and cost effective energy future in Belgium. In the BREGILAB project the technical aspects of integration of renewables in the electrical grid is studied in detail.
This event will give an insight in the approach of both of these projects, with presentations of project partners and a debate on energy policy by some of the most knowledgeable academics in Belgium.
This event is organized by EnergyVille, in partnership with the KVAB Energy Reflection Group.
- 09:00 Welcome and coffee
- 09:30 Welcome
- Welcome by KVAB Reflectiegroep Energie and BERA:
Ivo Van Vaerenbergh (KVAB), Leen Govaerts (VITO/EnergyVille) - Welcome words on the energy transition funds:
Katrien Selderslaghs (FOD Economie)
- Welcome by KVAB Reflectiegroep Energie and BERA:
- 09:55 Introduction
- International climate policies and their impact at the Belgian level:
Vincent van Steenberghe (Federal Public Service DG Environment) - Introduction to energy models:
Prof. Erik Delarue (KU Leuven/EnergyVille)
- International climate policies and their impact at the Belgian level:
- 10:50 Coffee break
- 11:10 Technical session I
- The EPOC project in a nutshell:
Pieter Vingerhoets (VITO/EnergyVille) - The BREGILAB project in a nutshell:
Marc Meuris (imec/EnergyVille) - Sustainable mobility in energy models:
Kris Vanherle (TML Leuven) - District heating, sleeping giant in the energy system:
Robbe Salenbien (VITO/EnergyVille)
- The EPOC project in a nutshell:
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:30 Technical session II
- The Belgian energy transition using the TIMES investment model:
Pieter Lodewijks (VITO/EnergyVille), Yves Marenne (ICEDD) - Energy transition, overshoot and infrastructure:
Prof. Johan Albrecht (UGent) - Market products for a decarbonized energy system:
Jérémie Bottieau (UMons ), Ana Virag (VITO/EnergyVille)
- The Belgian energy transition using the TIMES investment model:
- 15:00 PANEL discussion: Academic support for energy policy in Belgium
- Moderator: Pieter Vingerhoets (VITO/EnergyVille)
- Participants:
- Prof. Ronnie Belmans (KU Leuven/EnergyVille)
- Danielle Devogelaer (Federal Planning Bureau)
- Prof. Patrick Hendrick (ULB)
- Prof. Damien Ernst (ULiege)
- Prof. Johan Albrecht (UGent)
- 16:00 Wrap up and next steps for the EPOC/BREGILAB projects
- 16:10 Networking reception
- 16:10 – 17:00 Advisory Board meeting (on invitation only)