
Barbara Baert
Klasse Kunsten
Lidmaatschap: Lid
Sinds: 2013
Titel: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Iconologie
Geschiedenis van de kunsten
Affiliatie: Lid van de onderzoeksgroep Kunstwetenschappen van de Faculteit Letteren (KU Leuven)
Kunstwetenschapster Barbara Baert is gewoon hoogleraar aan de KU Leuven. Ze biedt onderwijs in de beeldanalyse en de middeleeuwse kunst. Ze publiceerde over de relatie tussen de exegese en het visuele medium in de figuren van Maria Magdalena, de bloedvloeiende vrouw en Johannes de Doper. Daarnaast publiceerde zij monografieën over de reliekencultus en de rol van heilige plaatsen. In haar recentste werk onderzoekt zij de mogelijkheden en begrenzingen van een hermeneutiek van het beeld. Daartoe richtte zij de reeks Studies in Iconology op, bij Peeters Publishers. In 2016 ontving zij de Francqui-Prijs voor haar grensverleggende interdisciplinaire werk in de kunstwetenschappen en haar impact op het belang van humane wetenschappen als zodanig.
Professor Baert has been awarded several times during her career. In 2006, she was the Laureate of the Royal Flemish Academy in Belgium for an outstanding scientific career before the age of 40. Since 2014, Baert has been made a member ad vitam at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, and in 2016 she has also been granted a lifelong membership at the prestigious Academia Europaea. In that same year, Barbara Baert was awarded the prestigious Francqui Prize for her bold approach to, and her pioneering work in medieval visual culture. As the Francqui jury report proclaims: “Her truly innovative approach to the iconology of Mediaeval Art, which has placed into the foreground the senses, materiality, and various aspects of the female and male body, and iconographic themes that have been neglected in the past, has deeply transformed the way European religious and secular art of the Middle Ages is viewed.” In November 2017, she was knighted in recognition of her public service as Commandeur in the Belgian Order of Leopold. Moreover, Barbara Baert has been a fellow Professor at The Internationales Kolleg für Kulturforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM) at the Weimar Bauhaus Universität (2015), at the Istituto di Studi Avanzati at the Università di Bologna (2018), and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (2019). In 2021 Barbara Baert was holder of the James Loeb Lecture at ZIKG in München: In 2023 Barbara Baert was holder of the Aby Warburg Professur in Hamburg, in invitation by the Aby Warburg-Stiftung In 2024 Barbara Baert was holder of the Dahlem Humanities Center Lectures, Freie Universität Berlin, Dahlem Humanities Center Lectures • Dahlem Humanities Center (DHC) • Freie Universität Berlin ( In 2024 Barbara Baert was fellow at the Centre André Chastel - Université de Sorbonne in Paris. Données - CAC - PLEMO3D - RegardCrosie_BBAERT_04032024.mp4 (
Commandeur in de Leopoldsorde (KB 13 juli 2017)
In 2023 Barbara Baert was holder of the Aby Warburg Professur in Hamburg, in invitation by the Aby Warburg-Stiftung
Barbara Baert
Klasse Kunsten
Lidmaatschap: Lid
Sinds: 2013
Titel: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Iconologie
Geschiedenis van de kunsten
Affiliatie: Lid van de onderzoeksgroep Kunstwetenschappen van de Faculteit Letteren (KU Leuven)
Kunstwetenschapster Barbara Baert is gewoon hoogleraar aan de KU Leuven. Ze biedt onderwijs in de beeldanalyse en de middeleeuwse kunst. Ze publiceerde over de relatie tussen de exegese en het visuele medium in de figuren van Maria Magdalena, de bloedvloeiende vrouw en Johannes de Doper. Daarnaast publiceerde zij monografieën over de reliekencultus en de rol van heilige plaatsen. In haar recentste werk onderzoekt zij de mogelijkheden en begrenzingen van een hermeneutiek van het beeld. Daartoe richtte zij de reeks Studies in Iconology op, bij Peeters Publishers. In 2016 ontving zij de Francqui-Prijs voor haar grensverleggende interdisciplinaire werk in de kunstwetenschappen en haar impact op het belang van humane wetenschappen als zodanig.
Professor Baert has been awarded several times during her career. In 2006, she was the Laureate of the Royal Flemish Academy in Belgium for an outstanding scientific career before the age of 40. Since 2014, Baert has been made a member ad vitam at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, and in 2016 she has also been granted a lifelong membership at the prestigious Academia Europaea. In that same year, Barbara Baert was awarded the prestigious Francqui Prize for her bold approach to, and her pioneering work in medieval visual culture. As the Francqui jury report proclaims: “Her truly innovative approach to the iconology of Mediaeval Art, which has placed into the foreground the senses, materiality, and various aspects of the female and male body, and iconographic themes that have been neglected in the past, has deeply transformed the way European religious and secular art of the Middle Ages is viewed.” In November 2017, she was knighted in recognition of her public service as Commandeur in the Belgian Order of Leopold. Moreover, Barbara Baert has been a fellow Professor at The Internationales Kolleg für Kulturforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM) at the Weimar Bauhaus Universität (2015), at the Istituto di Studi Avanzati at the Università di Bologna (2018), and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (2019). In 2021 Barbara Baert was holder of the James Loeb Lecture at ZIKG in München: In 2023 Barbara Baert was holder of the Aby Warburg Professur in Hamburg, in invitation by the Aby Warburg-Stiftung In 2024 Barbara Baert was holder of the Dahlem Humanities Center Lectures, Freie Universität Berlin, Dahlem Humanities Center Lectures • Dahlem Humanities Center (DHC) • Freie Universität Berlin ( In 2024 Barbara Baert was fellow at the Centre André Chastel - Université de Sorbonne in Paris. Données - CAC - PLEMO3D - RegardCrosie_BBAERT_04032024.mp4 (
Commandeur in de Leopoldsorde (KB 13 juli 2017)
In 2023 Barbara Baert was holder of the Aby Warburg Professur in Hamburg, in invitation by the Aby Warburg-Stiftung
Barbara Baert
Klasse Kunsten
Lidmaatschap: Lid
Sinds: 2013
Titel: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Iconologie
Geschiedenis van de kunsten
Affiliatie: Lid van de onderzoeksgroep Kunstwetenschappen van de Faculteit Letteren (KU Leuven)
Kunstwetenschapster Barbara Baert is gewoon hoogleraar aan de KU Leuven. Ze biedt onderwijs in de beeldanalyse en de middeleeuwse kunst. Ze publiceerde over de relatie tussen de exegese en het visuele medium in de figuren van Maria Magdalena, de bloedvloeiende vrouw en Johannes de Doper. Daarnaast publiceerde zij monografieën over de reliekencultus en de rol van heilige plaatsen. In haar recentste werk onderzoekt zij de mogelijkheden en begrenzingen van een hermeneutiek van het beeld. Daartoe richtte zij de reeks Studies in Iconology op, bij Peeters Publishers. In 2016 ontving zij de Francqui-Prijs voor haar grensverleggende interdisciplinaire werk in de kunstwetenschappen en haar impact op het belang van humane wetenschappen als zodanig.
Professor Baert has been awarded several times during her career. In 2006, she was the Laureate of the Royal Flemish Academy in Belgium for an outstanding scientific career before the age of 40. Since 2014, Baert has been made a member ad vitam at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, and in 2016 she has also been granted a lifelong membership at the prestigious Academia Europaea. In that same year, Barbara Baert was awarded the prestigious Francqui Prize for her bold approach to, and her pioneering work in medieval visual culture. As the Francqui jury report proclaims: “Her truly innovative approach to the iconology of Mediaeval Art, which has placed into the foreground the senses, materiality, and various aspects of the female and male body, and iconographic themes that have been neglected in the past, has deeply transformed the way European religious and secular art of the Middle Ages is viewed.” In November 2017, she was knighted in recognition of her public service as Commandeur in the Belgian Order of Leopold. Moreover, Barbara Baert has been a fellow Professor at The Internationales Kolleg für Kulturforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM) at the Weimar Bauhaus Universität (2015), at the Istituto di Studi Avanzati at the Università di Bologna (2018), and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (2019). In 2021 Barbara Baert was holder of the James Loeb Lecture at ZIKG in München: In 2023 Barbara Baert was holder of the Aby Warburg Professur in Hamburg, in invitation by the Aby Warburg-Stiftung In 2024 Barbara Baert was holder of the Dahlem Humanities Center Lectures, Freie Universität Berlin, Dahlem Humanities Center Lectures • Dahlem Humanities Center (DHC) • Freie Universität Berlin ( In 2024 Barbara Baert was fellow at the Centre André Chastel - Université de Sorbonne in Paris. Données - CAC - PLEMO3D - RegardCrosie_BBAERT_04032024.mp4 (
Commandeur in de Leopoldsorde (KB 13 juli 2017)
In 2023 Barbara Baert was holder of the Aby Warburg Professur in Hamburg, in invitation by the Aby Warburg-Stiftung