Eindejaarsconcert - "Songs of Innocence"

Paleis der Academiën, Brussel
Eindejaarsconcert - "Songs of Innocence"
Academisch Cultureel Forum
Cantate gecomponeerd door Lucien Posman op poëzie van William Blake.
Uitvoering door Emma Posman (sopraan), Stef Van Vynckt (harp) en Aquarius (vocaal ensemble, onder leiding van Marc M. De Smet)
SONGS of Innocence | de gedichten
- Introduction (soprano solo, mixed choir & harp)
- The Shepherd. (male choir & harp)
- The Ecchoing Green (mixed choir & harp)
- The Lamb (SSA-solo, mixed choir & harp)
- The Little Black Boy (soprano solo & harp)
- The Blossom (mixed choir)
- The Chimney Sweeper (soprano solo, mixed choir & harp)
- The Little Boy lost (female choir & harp)
- The Little Boy found (female choir & harp)
- Laughing Song (mixed choir & harp)
- A CRADLE SONG (soprano solo & harp)
- The Divine Image (mixed choir)
- HOLY THURSDAY (mixed choir & harp)
- Night (soprano solo, mixed choir & harp)
- Spring (mixed choir)
- Nurses Song (soprano solo, mixed choir & harp)
- Infant Joy (soprano solo & harp)
- A Dream (mixed choir)
- On Anothers Sorrow (soprano, mixed choir & harp)
Meer info - website Lucien Posman
01 Inleiding 19:30 - 19:40
Mark Eyskens, Academisch Cultureel Forum (spreker)
02 Cantate: Songs of Innocence 19:40 - 21:00
Componist: Lucien Posman
Uitgevoerd door: Emma Posman (sopraan), Stef Van Vynckt (harp) en Aquarius (vocaal ensemble)
03 Receptie 21:00 - 22:00