

The Academy is a society of outstanding scientists, artists and business leaders. Members of the Academy are appointed for life and join one of four Classes: Natural Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Technical Sciences. The members of the Academy frequently meet in the Palace of the Academies and discuss current developments in society from an interdisciplinary perspective. The Academy maintains ties with renowned experts who are elected as foreign members. It is not possible to apply for membership of the Academy. New members are elected after nomination by three patrons within the Academy.

Freddy Dumortier
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 1998
Title: Em. prof. dr.
Discipline: General mathematics
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Wiskunde en statistiek (UHasselt)
Freddy Dumortier
Natural Sciences
General mathematics
Bart Eeckhout
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2021
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Literatures in English, Poetics, Queer studies
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte (UAntwerpen)
Bart Eeckhout
Literatures in English
, Poetics
Willem Elias
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2003
Title: Em. prof. dr.
Discipline: Arts, Criticism and theory, Philosophy, ethics and religious studies
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Faculteit Psychologie en Educatiewetenschappen (VUB)
Willem Elias
, Criticism and theory
Mark Eyskens
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1988
Title: Em. prof.
Discipline: Economics and business, Philosophy, ethics and religious studies
Mark Eyskens
Economics and business
, Philosophy, ethics and religious studies
Honorary Member
Jan Fabre
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 1998
Discipline: Visual arts , Choreography
Affiliation: Verbonden aan Troubleyn/Jan Fabre vzw
Jan Fabre
Visual arts
, Choreography
Marie-Claire Foblets
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2001
Title: Prof. dr.
Honorary title: barones
Discipline: Anthropology
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid (KU Leuven)
Marie-Claire Foblets
An Fonteyne
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2019
Discipline: Architecture
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de ETH Zürich
An Fonteyne
Dirk Fransaer
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2010
Title: Dhr.
Discipline: (Bio)medical engineering, Building engineering
Affiliation: Verbonden aan VITO
Afgevaardigd Bestuurder Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek NV
Dirk Fransaer
Technical Sciences
(Bio)medical engineering
, Building engineering
Dirk Frimout
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1994
Honorary title: burggraaf
Discipline: Aerospace engineering
Affiliation: Verbonden aan Orbit-Consult BVBA
Dirk Frimout
Technical Sciences
Aerospace engineering
Honorary Member
Gilbert Froment
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1984
Discipline: Natural sciences, Chemical sciences
Gilbert Froment
Technical Sciences
Natural sciences
, Chemical sciences
Honorary Member
Koen Geens
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2012
Discipline: Law
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid (KU Leuven)
Koen Geens
Lieve Gheysen
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2011
Title: Prof.
Discipline: Molecular and cell biology, Plant biology, Biotechnology for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Moleculaire Biotechnologie (UGent)
Lieve Gheysen
Natural Sciences
Molecular and cell biology
, Plant biology
Georges Gielen
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2023
Title: De heer
Discipline: Electrical and electronic engineering, Computer engineering, information technology and mathematical engineering
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Departement Elektrotechniek (KU Leuven)
Georges Gielen
Technical Sciences
Electrical and electronic engineering
, Computer engineering, information technology and mathematical engineering
Irène Gijbels
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2015
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Statistics
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Departement Wiskunde (KU Leuven)
Irène Gijbels
Natural Sciences
Renaat Gijbels
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 1997
Title: Em. prof. dr.
Discipline: Materials science and engineering
Renaat Gijbels
Natural Sciences
Materials science and engineering
Robert Gobin
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1994
Discipline: Mechanical and manufacturing engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering
Robert Gobin
Technical Sciences
Mechanical and manufacturing engineering
, Electrical and electronic engineering
Honorary Member
Walter Gomes
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1989
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Chemical sciences
Walter Gomes
Natural Sciences
Chemical sciences
Honorary Member
Derrick-Philippe Gosselin
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2004
Title: Prof. dr. ir.
Honorary title: baron
Discipline: Engineering and technology, Economics and business, Mechanical and manufacturing engineering
Affiliation: Voorzitter van het Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie (SCK CEN)
Ondervoorzitter van het Koninklijke Hoger Instituut voor Defensie (KHID)
Associated with the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
Bestuurder van het von Karman Instituut voor Stromingsdynamika (VKI)
Buitengewoon hoogleraar aan de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde (UGent)
Associate Fellow at the Green Templeton College (University of Oxford)
Derrick-Philippe Gosselin
Technical Sciences
Engineering and technology
, Economics and business
Inge Govaere
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2016
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Law
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het College of Europe
Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Europees, Publiek- en Internationaal Recht (UGent)
Inge Govaere
David Gullentops
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2023
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Speech arts, Music, Visual cultures
David Gullentops
Speech arts
, Music