

The Academy is a society of outstanding scientists, artists and business leaders. Members of the Academy are appointed for life and join one of four Classes: Natural Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Technical Sciences. The members of the Academy frequently meet in the Palace of the Academies and discuss current developments in society from an interdisciplinary perspective. The Academy maintains ties with renowned experts who are elected as foreign members. It is not possible to apply for membership of the Academy. New members are elected after nomination by three patrons within the Academy.

Alain Bernard
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2010
Discipline: Engineering and technology
Affiliation: Chief Executive Officer van DEME
Alain Bernard
Technical Sciences
Engineering and technology
Jaak Billiet
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2001
Title: Em. prof.
Discipline: Sociology
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen (KU Leuven)
Jaak Billiet
Koen Binnemans
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2015
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Chemical sciences, Inorganic chemistry, Metallurgical engineering
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Departement Chemie (KU Leuven)
Koen Binnemans
Natural Sciences
Chemical sciences
, Inorganic chemistry
Hubert Bocken
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1994
Title: Em. prof.
Discipline: Law, Civil law, Environmental law
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Metajuridica, Privaat- en Ondernemingsrecht (UGent)
Hubert Bocken
, Civil law
Honorary Member
Frans Boenders
Class of the Arts
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1991
Discipline: Criticism and theory, Speech arts
Frans Boenders
Criticism and theory
, Speech arts
Honorary Member
Annemie Bogaerts
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2011
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Physical chemistry, Physics of gases, plasmas and electric discharges, Sustainable chemistry
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Departement Chemie (UAntwerpen)
Annemie Bogaerts
Natural Sciences
Physical chemistry
, Physics of gases, plasmas and electric discharges
Marc Boone
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2008
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: History and archaeology, Historical theory and methodology, Medieval history
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Geschiedenis (UGent)
Marc Boone
History and archaeology
, Historical theory and methodology
Till-Holger Borchert
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2024
Discipline: History of art
Till-Holger Borchert
History of art
Michaël Borremans
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2014
Discipline: Painting and drawing
Michaël Borremans
Painting and drawing
Ignace Bossuyt
Class of the Arts
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1993
Discipline: Music
Affiliation: Lid van de onderzoeksgroep Musicologie van de Faculteit Letteren (KU Leuven)
Ignace Bossuyt
Honorary Member
Luc Bossyns
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2004
Discipline: Natural sciences, Marine engineering
Affiliation: Gedelegeerd Bestuurder bij Aquafin NV
Luc Bossyns
Technical Sciences
Natural sciences
, Marine engineering
Geert Bouckaert
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2018
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Public administration, Economics and business, Philosophy, ethics and religious studies
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Instituut voor de Overheid (KU Leuven)
Promotor-coördinator van het Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Organisatie Vlaanderen
Geert Bouckaert
Public administration
, Economics and business
Jean Bourgeois
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2011
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Archaeology
Jean Bourgeois
Dirk Braeckman
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2019
Discipline: Photography
Affiliation: Verbonden aan Zeno X
Dirk Braeckman
Koen Brams
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2023
Title: De heer
Discipline: Arts
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Kunst-, Muziek- en Theaterwetenschappen (UGent)
Koen Brams
Koen Brosens
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2019
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: History of art
Affiliation: Lid van de onderzoeksgroep Kunstwetenschappen van de Faculteit Letteren (KU Leuven)
Koen Brosens
History of art
Dirk Brossé
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2016
Honorary title: baron
Discipline: Music, Music composition
Dirk Brossé
, Music composition
Yvan Bruynseraede
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1988
Title: Em. prof. dr.
Discipline: Natural sciences, Classical physics not elsewhere classified, Condensed matter physics and nanophysics
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Afdeling Vastestoffysica en Magnetisme van het Departement Natuurkunde en Sterrenkunde (KU Leuven)
Yvan Bruynseraede
Natural Sciences
Natural sciences
, Classical physics not elsewhere classified
Honorary Member
Chris Buelens
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2013
Title: Mevrouw
Discipline: Materials science and engineering, Materials engineering
Affiliation: Gedelegeerd Bestuurder van METALogic
Chris Buelens
Technical Sciences
Materials science and engineering
, Materials engineering
Michel Buylen
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2006
Title: De heer
Discipline: Visual arts
Michel Buylen
Visual arts