The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts has a considerable tradition in publishing.
Publications by the Academy
- The Standpunten series [Position Papers] wants to make an active contribution to the debate on important social issues.
- The Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek (NBW) [National Biographical Dictionary] contains biographies of important inhabitants of Belgium. A number of special issues has heightened the visibility of the Academy and some of its initiatives.
- The Academieberichten is the newsletter of the Academy, published three times a year.
- A number of special publications have been devoted to the Academy itself and to certain of its initiatives
- Catalogue of scientific works published by the Academy prior to 2014.
Scientific series by Peeters Publishers
Since its inception, the Academy has published high-quality scientific work in a number of long-term scientific series. Since 2014 the publication of these series has been entrusted to Peeters Publishers. The KVAB welcomes high quality manuscripts for publication in some of these series. Separate editorial boards within the Academy monitor the scientific quality by means of a formalized peer review process that complies with the requirements of the VABB and stimulates new publications.