Thinkers' Programme
Through its Thinkers' Programme the Flemish Academy aims to invite 1 or 2 highly regarded scholars (called ‘thinkers’) to come to Flanders at several occasions during the year. The thinkers are introduced to the specifics of a particular challenge Flanders is currently facing. Via the members of the taskforce appointed by the Academy, they are given the opportunity to discuss the topic with important opinion-makers, politicians, university professors, industrial managers, other types of stakeholders...
As time develops, the thinkers will construct their specific appraisal/evaluation of the situation in Flanders about the theme/topic of concern. They have the full freedom to draft a set of recommendations, actions, confrontations. The program concludes with a one-day symposium at the Royal Academy in Brussels. The overall quintessence of their 'experience' is consolidated in a short report whicht should aim to hold wisdom and guidance for the Flemish Government.
Two thinkers' programmes are held each year. The concept was inspired by the Thinkers in Residence Program in Adelaide (South Australia).
Recent Thinkers' Programmes
Thinker's program organized by the Class of the Arts under the direction of Thierry De Duve.
The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts organizes in 2023-2024 the Thinker's Cycle Nitrogen: in all fairness.
Artificial intelligence and the implications for our human image (autonomy, self-determination, the need for a ‘digital humanism’).
Inequality in education is a financial, social and cultural problem.
Confidence of society in science is based on the reproducibility and replicability of the results.
Over de bijna-energie- en koolstofneutraliteit van gebouwen in 2050, m.i.v. de transities in ruimtelijke ordening en mobiliteit.
Is een nieuw beleid nodig inzake verantwoord onderzoek naar technologische innovatie?
On the language of debate and communication on climate change.
Reflections by Thinker-in-residence W.J.T. Mitchell.
Soils as natural capital in the 21st century: challenges and opportunities.
Focus on ethical problems, policy and science.
Focus on the influence of disinformation on democratic processes.
Analysis and reflection on the scope and role of CERN for Belgium in general and Flanders in particular.
Reflection on the challenges the Flemish food sector faces today.
How can society deal with it? Reflection on both political theory and concrete social problems.
Is the move towards transparency a move towards a more open and critical society or is there the danger that it leads to a society closed onto itself?
Small to Medium-sized Nations in International Collaborative Science
How can we transform this potential "Starters Cloud" into economic momentum and employment for Flanders & Europe?
A positive narrative about climate change and resilience in the context of water. An adaptation strategy for Flanders.
Tackling the debate on art and culture in Flranders focusing on policy and urban economy.
Hoe kunnen we het einde van de naoorlogse consensus begrijpen? Hoe moet het verder?
Innovative Entrepreneurship via Spin-offs of Knowledge Centres in Flanders, Belgium and Europe.
Is Flanders indeed on its way to a curiosity and innovation driven knowledge society?
Current youth unemployment is double or emore than unemployment rates for all ages. A reflection on the cause and possible solutions.
There is a need for a systemic vision on the optimal exploitation of ICT and the internet for the Higher Education of the 21st century.