E-learning & Blended Learning

Expertengroep van het Denkersprogramma Blended Learning
Steering committee of the Thinkers' Programme Blended Learning
This project had been initiated in January 2014 as a sequel to the KVAB Position Paper 19 (2013) that ended with the following conclusion: “there is a need for a systemic vision on the optimal exploitation of ICT and the internet for the Higher Education of the 21st century”. That statement was the challenge and trigger for the Class of Technical Sciences to start the 2014 Thinker-in-Residence project.
Two independent ‘Thinkers’ from abroad were invited to explore the state of the art in Flemish Higher Education, to confront it with their own views and experiences, and to formulate their recommendations based on this confrontation. Both Thinkers are international top experts in the advanced use of ICT in education.
For a year the Thinkers collaborated closely with a local experts group and participated in various seminars and workshops at the five Flemish Universities and the UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain). At the symposium of November 19th 2014 they presented the results of their study and confronted these with the viewpoints of representative Flemish organizations (NVAO, VLIR, VLOR, VVS) and the experiences of providers and users of online courses.

Professor Diana Laurillard (University College London, London Knowledge Lab) is professor of Learning with Digital Technologies and has a considerable experience in research and implementation of new ICT-based technologies in education. She has developed systematic methods and software tools (learning designers) for the production of new electronic learning materials and their optimal use in real life conditions.

Professor Pierre Dillenbourg is professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), School of Computer & Communication Sciences, and has built an extended expertise in MOOCs, Computer-supported collaborative learning and work, Learning Technologies, and HumanComputer Interaction. He coordinates the development and support of MOOCs at EPFL.