

The Academy is a society of outstanding scientists, artists and business leaders. Members of the Academy are appointed for life and join one of four Classes: Natural Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Technical Sciences. The members of the Academy frequently meet in the Palace of the Academies and discuss current developments in society from an interdisciplinary perspective. The Academy maintains ties with renowned experts who are elected as foreign members. It is not possible to apply for membership of the Academy. New members are elected after nomination by three patrons within the Academy.

Dave Sinardet
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2022
Title: Prof. dr.
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Politieke Wetenschappen (VUB)
Dave Sinardet
Guy Smagghe
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2020
Title: Prof.
Discipline: Animal biology, Plant biology, Other natural sciences
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (UGent)
Guy Smagghe
Natural Sciences
Animal biology
, Plant biology
Marcel Smets
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2009
Title: Prof. dr. ir. arch.
Discipline: Urban and regional design, development and planning, Infrastructure, transport and mobility engineering, Architecture
Marcel Smets
Urban and regional design, development and planning
, Infrastructure, transport and mobility engineering
Paul Smeyers
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 1983
Discipline: Astronomy and space sciences
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Faculteit Wetenschappen (KU Leuven)
Paul Smeyers
Natural Sciences
Astronomy and space sciences
Honorary Member
Erik Smolders
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2020
Discipline: Environmental engineering and biotechnology, Earth sciences, Environmental sciences
Affiliation: Decaan van de Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (KU Leuven)
Verbonden aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Erik Smolders
Technical Sciences
Environmental engineering and biotechnology
, Earth sciences
Nicolas Standaert
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 2003
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Language studies
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Faculteit Letteren (KU Leuven)
Nicolas Standaert
Language studies
Carlos Steel
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 1989
Title: De heer
Discipline: Philosophy, Greek language, Medieval history
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte (KU Leuven)
Carlos Steel
, Greek language
Luc Steels
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2009
Title: Prof. dr.
Discipline: Artificial intelligence, Linguistics, Arts
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (VUB)
Luc Steels
Natural Sciences
Artificial intelligence
, Linguistics
Chris Stevens
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2023
Title: Prof. dr. ir.
Discipline: Chemical sciences, (Bio)chemical engineering
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep groene chemie en technologie (UGent)
Chris Stevens
Technical Sciences
Chemical sciences
, (Bio)chemical engineering
Michiel  Steyaert
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2019
Title: Prof. dr. ir.
Discipline: Electrical and electronic engineering, Electronics, Communications technology
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Departement Elektrotechniek (KU Leuven)
Michiel  Steyaert
Technical Sciences
Electrical and electronic engineering
, Electronics
Francis Strauven
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2000
Discipline: Architecture, Architectural history and theory, Anthropology
Francis Strauven
, Architectural history and theory
Cyriel Stroo
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2003
Title: Dr.
Discipline: Art studies and sciences, Iconology, History of art
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium
Cyriel Stroo
Art studies and sciences
, Iconology
Rudy Swennen
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2010
Title: Prof.
Discipline: Geology, Environmental sciences
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (KU Leuven)
Rudy Swennen
Natural Sciences
, Environmental sciences
Piet Swerts
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2012
Title: Dr.
Discipline: Music composition
Piet Swerts
Music composition
Peter Swinnen
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2018
Discipline: Music, Music composition
Affiliation: Verbonden aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel
Peter Swinnen
, Music composition
Luc Taerwe
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2010
Title: Em. prof. dr. ir.
Discipline: Structural engineering, Construction engineering, Building engineering
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Bouwkundige Constructies en Bouwmaterialen (UGent)
Luc Taerwe
Technical Sciences
Structural engineering
, Construction engineering
Erik Tambuyzer
Class of Technical Sciences
Membership: Honorary Member
Since: 2006
Title: Dr. ir.
Discipline: Medical and health sciences, Chemical sciences
Erik Tambuyzer
Technical Sciences
Medical and health sciences
, Chemical sciences
Honorary Member
Rudi Tas
Class of the Arts
Membership: Member
Since: 2017
Title: Dhr.
Discipline: Music, Music composition
Rudi Tas
, Music composition
Liliane Tasmowski
Class of the Humanities
Membership: Member
Since: 1998
Discipline: Comparative language studies, Theory and methodology of linguistics, Linguistics
Liliane Tasmowski
Comparative language studies
, Theory and methodology of linguistics
Jan Tavernier
Class of Natural Sciences
Membership: Member
Since: 2010
Title: Em. prof. dr.
Discipline: Medical and health sciences, Molecular and cell biology
Affiliation: Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Biochemie (UGent)
Jan Tavernier
Natural Sciences
Medical and health sciences
, Molecular and cell biology