Communicating about science
Research has indicated that the interest in science in the general population is relatively high. Almost all scientists think it is their responsibility or duty to communicate to laymen. On the other hand, it is apparent that being informed is a need that is not fulfilled optimally and even that the knowledge about science and technology of a lay audience is often limited. Institutions that publish scientific reports are pre-eminent sources of scientific elucidation, but nonetheless have to deal with the issue of having only a small impact on society. They can change the focus of their communication from one-way transmission towards the upstream engagement model. The written media are classically an ally in disseminating information, but their transmission model does not fit into the upstream engagement model.
Recommendations for institutions publishing policy reports:
Leave the idea that a report has to serve at the same time as
communication vector and as account of the actual content
– Use
different communication strategies at the same time:
• Release for a
lay audience/Press release, differentiation of target audiences
Symposia, ideally involving all stakeholders
Recommendations for the Flemish government:
– Structural and
long-term support of science communication
– Improved databases
Recommendations for secondary education:
– Young people’s
attitudes relating to their career have changed: at school teachers
should convince their pupils that a scientific career fits this attitude
more than other careers and also that this does not mean one will be
buried in a ‘boring’ environment.
Recommendations for higher education:
– Lectures for lay
– Interdisciplinary education curriculum in science
– Science communication index next to citation indices
as a drive for better science communication.
Available documents
Joos Vandewalle
Ludo Gelders
Jan Kretzschmar
Elie Ratinckx
Achiel Van Cauwenberghe
Georges Van der Perre
Willy Van Overschée
Willy Verstraete
Paul Verstraeten
Dirk Wauters
Etienne Aernoudt
Thomas Vandenberghe
Ann Van der Auweraert