Expo Dirk Braeckman in New-York

Expo Dirk Braeckman in New-York
Van 20 januari tot en met 26 februari loopt de tentoonstelling "Luster." van Dirk Braeckman (lid Klasse Kunsten) in GRIMM Gallery in New-York.
Het is meer dan tien jaar sinds een solotentoonstelling van de fotograaf Braeckman naar New-York reist. De expo omvat fotografisch werk en video uit de periode 2012-2021.
Uit het persbericht van de gallerij:
The photographs by Braeckman are enigmatic in their evasion of clear, linear narratives; an approach that can be seen as contradictory to the traditional deliberations of the medium. Explorations of time, however, remain in focus through a disrupted, abstracted means. Braeckman’s compositions are pulled from a seemingly endless archive of negatives that the artist has built over decades. Oftentimes a negative does not see the light of day for years until the artist is ready to employ its image. Images are then merged, manipulated, to create new inexplicable worlds, pushing the boundaries of photography by the sheer refusal of offering practical or evidential representations.