Symposium: The Doctoral Space revisited



Paleis der Academiën, Brussel

Final Conference Doctoral Space Revisited

Activity in the context of the Thinkers' cycle 

The doctorate is a centuries-old institution, born in the 12th century in Paris primarily as a qualification to “profess”. It was re-shaped in the early 19th century in Germany as a research degree, the prerequisite for an academic career. Today, the PhD is increasingly regarded as an instrument of innovative career development – far beyond the academic realm. Conscious of the importance of this development, the Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts of Belgium has initiated the 2016 Thinker’s Programme.“The Doctoral Space revisited”

Flanders’ graduation policy is functioning well: doctoral schools in general provide a number of learning opportunities and Flanders’ innovation capacity, breeding in particular within strategic research centres closely linked to universities, is scoring high. But Flanders and Europe hold a potential “Starters Cloud” - a large number of researchers - still largely under the radar. The key question is: to what extent is Flanders – and by extension Europe – prepared to fully capture the vast pool of potential energy represented by this generation?

On the 7th of November The Academy brought together university stakeholders, young researchers, national and international policymakers to discuss the current challenges together with everyone concerned with the subject.



01 Coffee and registration 10:00 - 10:30
02 Word of welcome 10:30 - 10:45
Hubert Bocken, President of KVAB (speaker)
03 Report of the Thinker 10:45 - 11:15
Helena Nazaré, Thinker in Residence (speaker)
04 From the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to the European Research Area (ERA) 11:15 - 11:30
Maria da Graça Carvalho, European Commission, Technical University of Lisbon (speaker)


05 Panel debate 11:30 - 12:30
Maria da Graça Carvalho, EC (panel member)
Jean-Pierre Henriet, Coordinator Thinkers Programme Doctoral Space (moderator)
Sébastien Huber, Science Europe (panel member)
Helena Nazaré, Thinker in Residence (panel member)
Karen Vandevelde, UGent, ECOOM (panel member)

Career tracking and mapping of doctoral degree holders in Flanders and Europe: everything under control? Researcher’s Careers: Postdoctoral Funding and Intersectoral Mobility Schemes.

06 Lunch 12:30 - 14:00
07 A vast pool of potential 14:00 - 14:30
Manuel Heitor, Government of Portugal, Minister of Science, Technology & Higher Education (speaker)

To what extent are Flanders and Europe prepared to fully capture the vast pool of potential represented by the present generation of doctoral degree holders and use it to build a strong and cohesive society empowered by knowledge?

8 Statements from the community of doctoral degree holders 14:30 - 15:45
Leen Cuypers, KU Leuven, Arenberg Doctoral School (panel member)
Vincent Ginis, VUB (panel member)
Jean-Pierre Henriet, Coordinator Thinkers Programme Doctoral Space (moderator)
Kristien Hens, UAntwerp, Young Academy (speaker)
Helena Nazaré, Thinker in Residence (panel member)
Hans Op de Beeck, KU Leuven, Young Academy (panel member)
Kris Pauwels, VIB, Structural Biology Research Center (panel member)

Statement and panel debate.

9 Coffee break 15:45 - 16:15
10 How to prepare & coach doctoral degree holders 16:15 - 17:15
Olivier Boehme, FWO (panel member)
Karen François, VUB, Doctoral School of Human Sciences (panel member)
Pol Ghesquière, KU Leuven (panel member)
Guido Groeseneken, imec (panel member)
Manuel Heitor, Government of Portugal, Minister of Science, Technology & Higher Education (panel member)
Jean-Pierre Henriet, Coordinator Thinkers Programme Doctoral Space (moderator)
Lieve Ongena, VIB (panel member)
Elie Ratinckx, VRWI (panel member)
Karen Vandevelde, UGhent, ECOOM (panel member)
Bram Vanthournout, EWI (panel member)

Panel debate: To what extent can universities, institutional stakeholders and the private sector still better contribute to prepare and coach the present generation of doctoral degree holders in their empowerment to contribute to a strong and cohesive society driven by knowledge?

11 Concluding statements 17:15 - 17:30
Jean-Pierre Henriet, Coordinator of the Thinker Programme Doctoral Space revisited (speaker)