Security of digital information

Position Paper | Year 2007
Security of digital information
Class of Technical Sciences

This report describes the key issues related to the security of information as they are surfacing in our contemporary society. First it is argued that the realm of the protection, confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of information is more than ever an important item of concern. The wide access to information, the wide availability of ICT systems and their enormous applications, the fast transmission of data and information, and the ever increasing number of users worldwide, justify the attention of the entire network and society as a whole. The role of the different stakeholders, the government, the companies, the ICT service providers and the society and its citizens are situated within this framework. The juridical aspects constitute an important component. Many diverse application domains are specifically highlighted. Finally, actual and relevant technological methods are surveyed. The security of an information system is, like the strength of a chain, determined by the strength of its weakest link. The report is making a few important recommendations:
– wide coverage in the media in order to stimulate the broad society’s vigilance and caring for the protection of information
– managers, responsibles for diverse ICT and critical infrastructures, in companies and services should be concerned about global information security issues as well during the design of these systems as in the business processes themselves,
– creative engineers, informaticians and lawyers with a solid understanding of the issues of data security have opportunities to design and deploy security products and services through relevant research, development and innovation.
– an appropriate campaign is needed to stimulate youngsters to responsible behaviour and ethical conduct from an early age on. Parents as well as grandparents and teaching staff should be informed and trained for it.
– more legislative attention at an international level for the cyber criminality and the privacy protection.
– better coordination of all aspects of information security at the government level. Development of an integrated research strategy at the level of information security with special attention for the critical ICT-infrastructure. Development of an incident procedure.
– as far as possible and reasonable security should be based upon standards and best practices that have proven their soundness.
– an international ethical code of conduct should be laid down and communicated to the various concerned groups.

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